International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF)

The International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic (ICNAF) was among the first regional fisheries management body to be established in the world ( and was considered to have played a leading role in the assessment and management of fish stocks outside of national jurisdictions.

Despite ICNAF’s lead role and innovations in the formulation of fishery management techniques, an overwhelming expansion of long distance fleets in the 1950s and 1960s had a profound and lasting effect on the fishery resources in the northwest Atlantic. An extensive learning curve in understanding status and effects of exploitation on the fish populations, and limits on controls that could be imposed in international waters, diminished the effectiveness of ICNAF.

A List of References that detail the extensive history of ICNAF is available. A full text version of this history is also available.

First Meeting of ICNAF in 1951