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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

2021 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) documents

Doc No.

Serial No.



SCS Doc.21/01

N7154 NAFO

The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2022 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters

SCS Doc. 21/02 N7155 Denmark/Greenland Denmark (on behalf of Greenland) Coastal State Request for Scientific Advice - 2022
SCS Doc. 21/03 N7156 Canada Canada's Request to NAFO SC for Coastal State Advice- 2022
SCS Doc. 21/04 N7159 Japan National Research Report of Japan 2021
SCS Doc. 21/05 N7161 J. Vargas, R. Alpoim, E. Santos and A. M. Ávila de Melo PORTUGUESE RESEARCH REPORT FOR 2020
SCS Doc. 21/06 N7162 F. González-Costas, G. Ramilo, E. Román, J. Lorenzo, D. González-Troncoso, M. Sacau, P. Duran and J. L. del Rio Spanish Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/07 N7164

H. O. Fock and C. Stransky

German Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/08 N7167 Bob Rogers and Mark Simpson Canadian Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/09 N7168 K. Fomin and M. Pochtar Russian Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/10 N7169 Luis Ridao Cruz Faroese Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/11 N7170

Ramus Nygaard , Adriana Nogueira and AnnDorte Burmeister

Denmark/Greenland Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/12 N7171 NAFO List of Biological Sampling Data for 2020
SCS Doc. 21/13 N7172

L. Näks

Estonian Research Report for 2020
SCS Doc 21/14 (Rev.) N7025 NAFO Report of the June Scientific Council Meeting, 27 May - 11 June 2021
SCS Doc 21/15 N7206 NAFO 5-Year Work Plan
SCS Doc 21/16 N7235

K.A. Sosebee

United States Research Report for 2020

SCS Doc 21/17 N7249 NAFO Report of the Scientific Council Meeting 20-24 September 2021
SCS Doc 21/18 N7237 NAFO Report of the Scientific Council (in conjunction with NIPAG) Meeting 8-9 September 2021
SCS Doc 21/19 N7250 NAFO

NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Group Meeting, 1-4 November 2021

SCS Doc 21/20 N7251 NAFO

Report of the Scientific Council (in conjunction with NIPAG) Meeting 1-4 November 2021

SCS Doc 21/21 N7256 NAFO Report of the 14th Meeting of the NAFO Scientific Council
Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WG-ESA), 16-25 November 2021
SCS Doc 21/22 N7257 NAFO Available Data from the Commercial Fisheries Related to Stock Assessment (2020) and Inventory of Biological Surveys Conducted in the NAFO Area in 2020 and Biological Surveys Planned for 
2021 and Early-2022
SCS Doc 21/23 N7487 NAFO A Compilation of Research Vessel Surveys on a Stock-by-stock Basis 2021

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
