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NAFO Scientific Council Studies

In accordance with NAFO's mandate to disseminate information on fisheries research to the scientific community, the Studies contains review papers of topical interest and importance.

Scientific Council Studies are published in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

NAFO also publishes the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science which contains peer-reviewed papers.

ISSN 0250-6432     E-ISSN 1682-9808

NAFO Scientific Council Studies

NAFO SC Studies No. 48 (2017)

20 December 2017

NAFO SC Studies No. 48 (2017)

Annual Temperature Curves in Twelve Regions of the Gulf of Maine 1985–2013

Ernest D. True

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NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

31 October 2015

NAFO SC Studies No. 47 (2015)

Coral, Sponge, and Other Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Identification Guide, NAFO Area

Kenchington, E., L. Beazley, F. J. Murillo, G. Tompkins MacDonald, E. Baker.

NAFO SC Studies No. 46 (2014)

30 November 2014

NAFO SC Studies No. 46 (2014)

Protocols of the EU bottom trawl survey of Flemish Cap

Vázquez A., J. M. Casas and R. Alpoim. 


NAFO SC Studies No. 45 (2013)

30 November 2013

NAFO SC Studies No. 45 (2013)

Stock-by-Stock Research Vessel Surveys Reported During 2001–2010

NAFO Secretariat

NAFO SC Studies No. 44 (2012)

30 November 2012

NAFO SC Studies No. 44 (2012)

Report of the Workshop on Implementation of Stock Reproductive Potential into Assessment and Management Advice for Harvested Marine Species

M. J. Morgan, C. T. Marshall, L. O'Brien, I. Mosqueira and S. Cerviño

NAFO SC Studies No. 43 (2010)

30 November 2010

NAFO SC Studies No. 43 (2010)

Sponge Identification Guide NAFO Area

M. Best, E. Kenchington, K. MacIsaac, V. Wareham, S. D. Fuller, and A. B. Thompson

NAFO SC Studies No. 42 (2009)

30 November 2009

NAFO SC Studies No. 42 (2009)

Coral Identification Guide NAFO Area

E. Kenchington, M. Best, A. Cogswell, K. MacIsaac, F. J. Murillo-Perez, B. MacDonald, V. Wareham, S. D. Fuller, H. I. Ø. Jørgensbye, V. Sklyar and A. B. Thompson

NAFO SC Studies No. 41 (2008)

30 June 2008

NAFO SC Studies No. 41 (2008)

Report of the Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) Age Determination Workshop

M. A. Treble and K. S. Dwyer

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590