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Commission Documents

2021 Commission Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N7153 COM Doc. 21-01 NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures
N7183 COM Doc. 21-02 Report of the NAFO Standing Committee on International Control (STACTIC) Intersessional Meeting, 10-13 May 2021 
N7207 COM Doc. 21-03 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting
N7208 COM Doc. 21-04 Report of the NAFO Commission Ad hoc Working Group to Reflect on the Rules Governing Bycatches, Discards and Selectivity (WG-BDS) in the NAFO Regulatory Area Meeting, 12–13 July 2021
N7213   COM Doc. 21-05 (Rev.)

NAFO Administrative Report for the period September 2020 to August 2021 and Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2021

N7216  COM Doc. 21-06     STACTIC EDG-WP 20-05    Change to Article 5.15.f of the NAFO CEM
N7217 COM Doc. 21-07 N7217    COM Doc. 21-07    STACTIC WP 21-07    Insertion of reference to Annex II.I Part B in NAFO CEM Annex IV.A
N7218 COM Doc. 21-08 Measures Concerning Vessels Demonstrating Repeat Non-compliance of Serious Infringements in the NAFO Regulatory Area
N7219 COM Doc. 21-09 Legend for Annex I.A of the NAFO CEM
N7220 COM Doc. 21-10 List of serious infringements: use of sorting grids – NAFO CEM Article 38.1.g
N7221 COM Doc. 21-11 Observer data collection
N7222 COM Doc. 21-12 NAFO CEM Article 7 and Article 7 bis realignment and Extension of Port State control measures
N7223 COM Doc. 21-13 NAFO CEM Article 10 – Greenland Halibut
N7224 COM Doc. 21-14 Bycatch limits for the “Others” quota – NAFO CEM Article 6.3.e
N7225 COM Doc. 21-15 Bycatch limits during Quarter 1 closure – NAFO CEM Article 5.5.j
N7226   COM Doc. 21-16 Measure to Protect Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
N7227 COM Doc. 21-17 Measure to Revise NAFO CEM Article 4 to Limit Scientific Catches of 3M Cod and 3M Shrimp in 2022
N7228   COM Doc. 21-18 Recommendations of the WG-BDS, July 2021
N7229   COM Doc. 21-19 Annual Fisheries and Compliance Review 2021 (Compliance Report for Fishing Year 2020)
N7236  COM Doc. 21-20 The Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2023 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters
N7244 COM Doc. 21-21 (Rev.) Report of the 43rd Annual Meeting of NAFO, 20-24 September 2021
N7247 COM Doc. 21-22 Report of the Joint Advisory Group on Data Management (JAGDM) Meeting, 26 October 2021
Categories: Commission
Tags: NCEM

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590