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ICNAF - Special Publications

These publications were issued at irregular intervals and contain the results of special ICNAF projects and contributions to symposia and special meetings, some of which were sponsored jointly by ICNAF, ICES and FAO. All were published by ICNAF, except No.2, entitled "Proceedings of the Joint Scientific Meeting of ICNAF, ICES and FAO on Fishing Effort, the Effect of Fishing on the Resources, and the Selectivity of Fishing Gear-Reports", which was printed by FAO. The contributed papers to that meeting on the selectivity of fishing gear were subsequently published as Special Publication No.5.

Number 7 of this series, containing the results of the ICNAF Environmental Surveys carried out in 1963, was issued in 4 parts, namely Text, Atlas, Oceanographic Data Record (3 volumes), and Biological Data Record. Number 11 in the series, issued in 1975, is entitled "Index and List of Titles, ICNAF Publications, 1950-1974". This issue was subsequently revised and updated to cover the period from 1950 to 1979. Volume 11 (Revised) represents the termination of the Special Publication series insofar as ICNAF is concerned.


Special Publication No. 4 (Issued February 1964)

28 February 1964

Special Publication No. 4 (Issued February 1964)

North Atlantic Fish Marking Symposium, 1961

Special Publication No. 3 (Issued May 1962)

31 May 1962

Special Publication No. 3 (Issued May 1962)

ICES/ICNAF Redfish Symposium, Copenhagen, 1959

Special Publication No. 2 (Issued January 1961)

31 January 1961

Special Publication No. 2 (Issued January 1961)

Fishing Effort, the Effect of Fishing on Resources, and the Selectivity of Fishing Gear: Reports

Special Publication No. 1 (Issued June 1958)

31 December 1958

Special Publication No. 1 (Issued June 1958)

Some Problems for Biological Fishery Survey and techniques for their Solution (A Symposium held at Biarritz, France, 1-10 March 1956)


Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590