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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

2016 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
 Serial No.
SCS 16/01 N6528
NAFO Secretariat

Fisheries Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2017 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters (193 kb)

SCS 16/02 N6529 Kathy Sosebee, Neil Campbell

Scientific Council Subgroup on the Implications of Removing Fishery Surveys from VME Closed Areas NAFO (105 kb)

SCS 16/03  N6530 NAFO Secretariat

Denmark (on behalf of Greenland) requests for scientific advice on management in 2017 of Certain Stocks in Subarea 0 and 1. (411 kb)

SCS 16/04  N6533 NAFO Secretariat

Canada’s Request for Coastal State Advice  (247 kb)

SCS 16/05  N6539 F. González-Costas, G. Ramilo, E. Román, A. Gago, M. Casas, M. Sacau, E. Guijarro, D. González-Troncoso and. J. Lorenzo

Spanish Research Report

SCS 16/06  N6552 K.A. Sosebee

US Research Report

SCS 16/07  N6553 Compiled by Greenland Institute of Natural Resources

Denmark/Greenland Research Report

SCS 16/08  N6554 T.Tõrra, S.Sirp & K.Hubel 

Estonian Research Report

SCS 16/09  N6555 J. Vargas, R. Alpoim, E. Santos and A. M. Ávila de Melo 

Portuguese Research Report

SCS 16/10  N6562 K. Fomin and M.Pochtar 

Russian Research Report

SCS 16/11  N6580 NAFO Secretariat

Tagging 2015 (479 kb)

SCS 16/12  N6581 E. Parrill

Canadian Research Report for 2015 Newfoundland and Labrador Region (1 MB)

SCS 16/13  N6584 NAFO Secretariat

Available Data from the Commercial Fisheries Related to Stock Assessment (2015) and Inventory of Biological Surveys Conducted in the NAFO Area in 2015 and Biological Surveys Planned for 2016 and Early 2017 (597 kb)

SCS 16/14 N6587  NAFO Secretariat

Report of the Scientific Council, 3-16 June 2016 (13.3 MB)

SCS 16/15 N6589 Kathy Sosebee, Neil Campbell and Tom Blasdale

NAFO SC Precautionary Approach Working Group (149 kb)

 SCS 16/16  N6609 NAFO Secretariat  Biological Sampling for 2015 (Excel file - 60 kb)
 SCS 16/17  N6611 NAFO/ICES  NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Group Report, 7-14 Sept, 2016(3.5 MB)
 SCS 16/18  N6616 NAFO Secretariat  Scientific Council Meeting, 7-14 Sept 2016 (1.2 MB)
 SCS 16/19  N6640 NAFO Secretariat  Report of the Scientific Council, 19 - 23 Sept 2016 (1.2 MB)
 SCS 16/20  N6650 NAFO Secretariat A Compilation of Research Vessel Surveys on a Stock-by-stock Basis (983 kb)
 SCS 16/21  N6655 NAFO Secretariat Report of the SC Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment (WG-ESA), 09-17 November 2016 (8 MB)

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590