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Chronology of NAFO documents and publications

NAFO SC Studies No. 16 (1991)

Special Session on Management Under Uncertainties, 5-7 September 1990

Author Title size (kb)
Peter A. Shelton, Lenore Fahrig and Russell B. Millar Uncertainty Associated With Cod-Capelin Interactions:How Much is Too Much? 756 kb
Ransom A. Myers Recruitment Variability and Range of Three Fish Species 300 kb
Lenore Fahrig and Bruce Atkinson Uncertainty in a Mixed Stock Fishery: a Redfish Simulation Study 1391 kb
Ross Tallman Reduction of Uncertainty Caused by Discarding in the Fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 1061 kb
V. P. Serebryakov Predicting Year-class Strength Under Uncertainties Related to Survival in the Early Life History of Some North Atlantic Commercial Fish 994 kb
Michael H. Prager and Christopher D. Jones Effects of Growth Variability on Estimation of the Biological Reference Point F0.1, with Examples from Chesapeake Bay, USA 240 kb
Alan Sinclair, Dominique Gascon, Robert O'Boyle, Denis Rivard and Stratis Gavaris Consistency of Some Northwest Atlantic Groundfish Stock Assessments 2550 kb
Svend Aage Horsted Biological Advice for and Management of Some of the Major Fisheries Resources in Greenland Waters 3090 kb
Alain Fréchet A Declining Cod Stock in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: How Can We Learn From the Past? 1326 kb
W. B. Brodie and W. R. Bowering A Review of the Assessments of the American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) Stock in Divisions 3LNO in Relation to the Recent Decline in Stock Abundance 845 kb
J. W. Baird, C. A. Bishop, and E. F. Murphy Sudden Changes in the Perception of Stock Size and Reference Catch Levels for Cod in Northeastern Newfoundland Shelves 761 kb
Z. I. Kizner Uncertainty in Biomass Assessments and Survey Planning 746 kb
R. M. Cook, P. A. Kunzlik, and R. J. Fryer On the Quality of North Sea Cod Stock Forecasts 324 kb
R. Mohn Stability and Sustainability of Harvesting Strategies in a Modeled Fishery 322 kb
W. B. Brodie, S. J. Walsh, and W. R. Bowering Managing Transboundary Flatfish Stocks: Sources and Consequences of Uncertainty 958 kb
R. I. C. C. Francis Risk Analysis in Fishery Management 871 kb
Z. I. Kizner Bootstrap Estimation of the Confidence Intervals of Stock and TAC Assessments with the use of Dynamic Surplus Production Models 404 kb
Dominique Pelletier and Alain Laurec Toward More Efficient TAC Policies with Error-prone Data 1598 kb
Hans Lassen Biological Uncertainties in Fish Stock Management - A Discussion 654 kb
Andrew A. Rosenberg and Solange Brault Stock Rebuilding Strategies Over Different Time Scales 1151 kb
  Front pages 432 kb
  Back pages 615 kb

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
(Burnside Industrial Park)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B3B 1K8

Tel: +1 902 468-5590
Fax: +1 902 468-5538
