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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

2018 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Serial No.
Doc. No.
N6773 SCS Doc. 18/01
Commission's Request for Scientific Advice on Management in 2019 and Beyond of Certain Stocks in Subareas 2, 3 and 4 and Other Matters (500 kb)
N6776 SCS Doc. 18/02
Denmark (on behalf of Greenland) Requests for Scientific Advice on Management in 2019 of Certain Stocks in Subarea 0 and 1 (150 kb)
N6777 SCS Doc. 18/03 Canada’s Request for Coastal State Advice - 2019 (120 kb)
N6783 SCS Doc. 18/04

Report of the Review of Input Data for 3M Cod Benchmark assessment, 13 March 2018 (472 kb)

N6784 SCS Doc. 18/05 Estonian Research Report for 2017 (594 kb)
N6786 SCS Doc. 18/06 Japanese Research Report for June 2017 (853 kb)
N6787 SCS Doc. 18/07 Spanish Research Report for 2017 (1.3 MB)
N6788 SCS Doc. 18/08 Portuguese Research Report for 2017 (388 kb)
N6791 SCS Doc. 18/09 Faroese Research Report 2017 (603 kb)
N6818 SCS Doc. 18/10 Denmark/Greenland Research Report for 2017 (316 kb)
N6819 SCS Doc. 18/11 Tagging 2017 (Excel file- 28 kb)
N6821 SCS Doc. 18/12 List of Biological Sampling Data for 2017 (Excel file- 60 kb)
N6824 SCS Doc. 18/13 Russian Research Report for 2017 (897 kb)
N6832 SCS Doc. 18/14 United States Research Report for 2017 (1.6 MB)
N6837 SCS Doc. 18/15 Canadian Research Report for 2017 Newfoundland and Labrador Region (469 kb)
N6839 SCS Doc. 18/16 Available Data from the Commercial Fisheries Related to Stock Assessment (2017) and Inventory of Biological Surveys Conducted in the NAFO Area in 2017 and Biological Surveys Planned for 2018 and Early-2019 (320 kb)
N6840 SCS Doc. 18/17 A Compilation of Research Vessel Surveys on a Stock-by-stock Basis (700 kb)
N6841 SCS Doc. 18/18 Cod Benchmark Report, 9-13 April 2018
N6849 SCS Doc. 18/19 Report of the Scientific Council June Meeting, 01-14 June 2018 (5.8 MB)
N6894 SCS Doc. 18/20 Report of the Scientific Council September Meeting, 17 - 21 September 2018 (830 kb)
N6898 SCS Doc. 18/21 Report of the NAFO/ICES Pandalus Assessment Group Meeting, 17 to 22 October 2018 (2.9 MB)
N6899 SCS Doc. 18/22 Report of the Scientific Council Shrimp Meeting, 17 - 22 October 2018 ( 670kb)
N6900 SCS Doc. 18/23 Report of the NAFO Scientific Council Working Group on Ecosystem Science and Assessment, 13-22 November 2018 (6.6 MB)

Contact us

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590