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Scientific Council Summary Documents (SCS)

1987 Scientific Council Summary (SCS) Documents

Doc. No.
File Size
SCS 87/1 Provisional Report of Scientific Council, January 1987 Meeting 560 kb
SCS 87/2 Provisional index and list of titles of research and summary documents for 1986 973 kb
SCS 87/3 Historical catches of selected species by stock area and country for the period 1975-85 786 kb
SCS 87/4 Canadian request for scientific advice on management in 1988 of certain stocks in Subareas 0 to 4 44 kb
SCS 87/5 Denmark (Greenland) request for scientific advice on management of certain stocks in 1988 27 kb
SCS 87/6 Report to the CWP on NAFO statistical program, data-processing and publications, 1994-86 221 kb
SCS 87/7 Provisional index of Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science and NAFD Scientific Council Studies,
2272 kb
SCS 87/8 Tagging activities reported for the Northwest Atlantic in 1986 128 kb
SCS 87/9 Canadian research report, 1986 737 kb
SCS 87/10 Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP), February 1987 965 kb
SCS 87/11 Lists of biological sampling data for 1985 606 kb
SCS 87/12 United States research report for 1986 241 kb
SCS 87/13 Spanish research report, 1986 178 kb
SCS 87/14 Denmark (Greenland) research report for 1986 280 kb
SCS 87/15 USSR research report for 1986 819 kb
SCS 87/16 Guidelines for the establishment of logbook and related systems 879 kb
SCS 87/17 Japanese research report for 1986 76 kb
SCS 87/18 Portuguese research report for 1986 192 kb
SCS 87/19 Synopsis of Scientific Council requirements for fishery statistics 1180 kb
SCS 87/20 Provisional nominal catches in the Northwest Atlantic, 1986 1299 kb
SCS 87/21 Provisional Report of Scientific Council, Dartmouth, Canada, 3-17 June 1987  
SCS 87/22 Polish research report, 1986 152 kb
SCS 87/23 German Democratic Republic Research Report for 1986 266 kb
SCS 87/24 Information for the Fisheries Commission on yield-per-recruit analysis of the cod stock in Divisions 3NO 53 kb
SCS 87/25 Proposal for change of Rules of Procedures for the General Council, Fisheries Commission and Scientific Council 68 kb
SCS 87/26 Information for the Fisheries Commission on escapement and selectivity problems associated with use of strengthening ropes, splitting straps and codend floats 75 kb
SCS 87/27 Report of Scientific Council Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 14-18 September 1987 604 kb

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Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Summit Place
1601 Lower Water Street 
Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 3P6

Tel: +1 902 468-5590